
FJC 2019 Program is now available on this website !
Submissions and registrations are now closed! We thank you for your participation. Now time for instructions: Posters must be in A0 format (118.9 x 84.1 cm) in portrait orientation and be written in English. The printing is the responsibility of your laboratories. Any poster that does not respect these instructions will not be displayed during the forum. The final instructions for the oral presentations will arrive at the end of the week. Please wait a moment. We can already tell you that they will not exceed 15 minutes (without the questions). See you soon !
SciencesConf, platform hosting the site of the FJC 2019 to register and submit your abstracts has been a victim of a server failure. You may not be able to sign up or log in to your personal space. Therefore, we are announcing that the deadline for registration to the FJC and submission of abstracts is postponed until May 13th. Remember that even if you do not submit an abstract, you are welcome to register and participate in the forum. We remind you that participation in this forum is essential for obtaining a possible mobility grant (the list of participants is communicated to the doctoral school). See you soon !
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